2012 New Year’s Resolution – #1: The United States, the one and only priority

United (States) Parcel Service.

Well here we are, one day away from New Year‘s eve and I am ashamed, I am prejudice and I am angered. Why you ask? Well I will tell you why. I live in a country that once cared about its citizens, they once wanted their people to succeed and to thrive and they put our country, the United States, first and foremost. We had leaders who strived to preserve the integrity of our great nation and preserve the core beliefs for which this country was built upon. The United States put its country and citizens first.

I can only fathom the responses to what is about to spew from the hole in my face that sometimes I cannot control. Yet I am pleased and eager to proceed with what is about to be said. (Deep cleansing breath, inhale… exhale…) Over the course of a few years, we as Americans have seen destruction and devastation across the globe. Just to name a few, the earthquake in Japan, famine and riots in Somalia and well I don’t really care about those other countries. Natural disasters happen almost every year and every time one happens, take a wild and obvious guess on who is there to send aid, whether is be monetary or nutritional, to these devastated regions of the globe. If you guessed, our country the United States then you are as smart as I thought you were. We, here, do not have many natural disasters, at least of large magnitudes, but the last one we had devastated our southern border states with a courtesy ravaging by Hurricane Katrina. Again take a guess on who gave us aidContinue reading